
Star Media Media Claire Wineland, 21, Dead One Sunday After Implementing Lung Transfer

One week after receiving the newly transferred lungs, Claire Wineland revived her last breath. The YouTube star, diagnosed with cyst fibrosis at birth, died Sunday night at the age of 21.

It was announced on Monday that Claire suffered a major stroke on August 26 after a nine-hour transfer operation. The inspired star family decided to reject his life support.

"[Claire] was not in pain and the medical staff said it was the most peaceful pass they had ever seen," Wineland's Claire's Place headquarters on Facebook said Monday. "His mother, Melissa Yeager and his father, John Wineland, saw him in this world for his first breath and with him for the last."

"After a week of intensive care and various life-saving procedures, it became clear that this was the time for Claire to leave," his family said. "In Claire's mode, she is an organ donor. The extraordinary Claire family is very happy because other families who have now received calls that the organs they have been waiting for are available for transplantation for a time LONG."

"Claire could save the lives of two people, her right kidney was transferred to a 44-year-old woman in San Diego, and her waist was transplanted to a 55-year-old man in Northern California," Yeager said. CNN. "In addition, the cornea and Claire's network have been restored and she can increase the lives of up to 50 people."

Wineland often shares a battle with cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening and rare disorder that causes cells that produce sweat and mucus to become thicker in organs such as the lungs, according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Submitting photos of hospital care to inspire, Wineland works to help others with the same genetic disease.

At the end of May, Wineland was happy to tell fans and followers that he was making a transfer list. And on August 26, he sent a tweet from a hospital in San Diego, California, when he heard good news about his lung removal surgery.

"OH GOD !! Got a call to the lungs at 5.30 in the morning! Wait at UCSD to make sure they leave ... if so, I can have new lungs TODAY !!" he wrote along with a photo of his family and friends. "He WAS GOING! The surgeon said they were perfect !! Look here."

And in July 2017, Wineland gave TEDx an inspirational speech about his illness.

"Life is not only happy," he said. "It's not about your second and second feelings," he said. "It's about what you do in your life and whether you can find deep pride in who you are and what you give."

In 2010, when she was 13 years old, she formed a base after leaving a coma caused by 16 days of poisoning.

In addition to its platform on social media, Wineland received several awards including the Favorite Teenager award in 2015 and among the 17 "Old Teen" magazines from Seventeen in 2016.

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